Collaborate in the financing of our project and get a lot of money!

Collaborate in the financing of our
project and get a lot of money!

Support Kyrgyzstan’s most valuable software development and share in its benefits.

Koldo: The Kyrgyz application for companies and individuals, to change the world completely.

We want to collect and renew all the pieces of business management software we have created over the last 30 years, and bring them together in a single product to put in people’s hands the most amazing business tool ever created.

Our goal is to turn every person who has this tool into a successful entrepreneur.

Very limited units to participate

We only have to cover production costs during development time and initial deployment.

To achieve this, we have made a very limited number of certified participations.

When we reach the necessary funds, and we have allocated all the investment units, we will not admit any other investor.

Secured investments

We guarantee you a return of at least 5 times what you invest.

That is the minimum, but there is no maximum. We will simply share our profits with those who have supported us.

The amount you contribute will be guaranteed by a reliable insurance company, so you will not lose it in any case.

No pyramid schemes

We will not start until we raise the necessary funds to finish. After that we will not do any further rounds of financing or capital increases.

This system generates a large amount of profits due to its own transactional capacity in the real market, and due to its own value and utility.

Very limited units to participate

We only have to cover production costs during development time and initial deployment.

To achieve this, we have made a very limited number of certified participations.

When we reach the necessary funds, and we have allocated all the investment units, we will not admit any other investor.

Secured investments

We guarantee you a return of at least 5 times what you invest.

That is the minimum, but there is no maximum. We will simply share our profits with those who have supported us.

The amount you contribute will be guaranteed by a reliable insurance company, so you will not lose it in any case.

No pyramid schemes

We will not start until we raise the necessary funds to finish. After that we will not do any further rounds of financing or capital increases.

This system generates a large amount of profits due to its own transactional capacity in the real market, and due to its own value and utility.

Invest safely in a product without competition

Invest safely in a product
without competition

A single control panel

Control all your companies, all your websites, all your business initiatives, all your stores, all your networks and all aspects of your business from a single place.

More than 12 management tools

Website, online store, customer management, purchasing, internal procedures, accounting, cash flows, points of sale, advertising panels, information points… and much more.

Make your own websites and your own social network

Forget about complicating your life or hiring an IT team to make your website professional. Make it yourself easily with a modern and totally coherent tool.

12 languages, 50 countries

Work in your native language and in any other language with our complete and instant multi-language integration. Make your website multilingual and your business tools adaptable to any employee’s favorite language.

A single control panel

Control all your companies, all your websites, all your business initiatives, all your stores, all your networks and all aspects of your business from a single place.

More than 12 management tools

Website, online store, customer management, purchasing, internal procedures, accounting, cash flows, points of sale, advertising panels, information points… and much more.

Make your own websites and your own social network

Forget about complicating your life or hiring an IT team to make your website professional. Make it yourself easily with a modern and totally coherent tool.

12 languages, 50 countries

Work in your native language and in any other language with our complete and instant multi-language integration. Make your website multilingual and your business tools adaptable to any employee’s favorite language.

Easy to use for everyone

As easy to operate as it is to read on the screen. Age or computer literacy will not be a gap for users.

They will feel comfortable using it from the very first moment.

Cheaper than any other management tool or business solution

To reach everyone, we will set a price that everyone can easily afford.

We don’t want to squeeze our users, but just get a little, but from a huge amount of users.

No more invasive advertising

Don’t waste your time watching ads and don’t make others waste theirs watching yours.

Our new marketing concept will make modern online marketing techniques useless.

Made entirely with our own technology, without relying on third parties

So we can forget about problems like incompatibilities, disappearances, licensing, inconsistencies, or heavy frameworks full of bugs or changing at the whim of IT giants. Everything is done here in Kyrgyzstan, with our own team.

Easy to use for everyone

As easy to operate as it is to read on the screen. Age or computer literacy will not be a gap for users.

They will feel comfortable using it from the very first moment.

Cheaper than any other management tool or business solution

To reach everyone, we will set a price that everyone can easily afford.

We don’t want to squeeze our users, but just get a little, but from a huge amount of users.

No more invasive advertising

Don’t waste your time watching ads and don’t make others waste theirs watching yours.

Our new marketing concept will make modern online marketing techniques useless.

Made entirely with our own technology, without relying on third parties

So we can forget about problems like incompatibilities, disappearances, licensing, inconsistencies, or heavy frameworks full of bugs or changing at the whim of IT giants. Everything is done here in Kyrgyzstan, with our own team.

Our company

Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group Ltd was founded in February 2016 by Spanish computer engineer Mr. Oscar Gonzalez, who has been based in Kyrgyzstan ever since, and has become a true patriot of our land.

Since then, we have been committed to the growth of this country in all our areas of expertise, IT and business consulting, engineering and, above all, as a software factory.

We have collaborated with small local private companies, but also with some ministries and cooperation agencies.

We always seek to improve the prosperity of the country by improving the prosperity of businesses, families and individuals.

For us, excellence is not just a word or a business condition. It is the only way to live life and it is the main pillar of our philosophy.

You can find more information about us in

Our team

Oscar Gonzalez

Software Architect

CEO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

IT Engineer (ICAI)

Elizada Askat kyzy

Senior Analyst

CTO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

Master developer(Attractor)

Cholponay Kukanova

Operations Manager

COO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

PhD Economics (NSU)

Elizat Jumabaeva

PR Manager

CCO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

Journalist (JAGU)

Oscar Gonzalez

Software Architect

CEO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

IT Engineer (ICAI)

Elizada Askat kyzy

Senior Analyst

CTO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

Master developer(Attractor)

Cholponay Kukanova

Operations Manager

COO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

PhD Economics (NSU)

Elizat Jumabaeva

PR Manager

CCO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

Journalist (JAGU)

Oscar Gonzalez

Software Architect

CEO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

IT Engineer (ICAI)

Elizada Askat kyzy

Senior Analyst

CTO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

Master developer(Attractor)

Cholponay Kukanova

Operations Manager

COO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

PhD Economics (NSU)

Elizat Jumabaeva

PR Manager

CCO Iberkyrgyz Wealth Group

Journalist (JAGU)

A team with huge experience

A team with huge experience

A team with huge experience

Why invest in Koldo

Safer than other investments.
No bubbles like real estate, no scams like cryptocurrencies, no risks arising from the global economy like bank based investment funds. You are investing in labor/labor value. The real money maker.
Disproportionate relationship between the amount invested and the profit.
You will not receive a profit based on percentages, nor based on the world economy. The profit is in direct relation to the number of users we can reach. Some of our forecasts indicate that it can be more than 10 times the amount invested.
Small amount and distributed over time.
It is not necessary to put all the money at the beginning, but in seven parts. You can check our progress.

Why invest in Koldo

Safer than other investments.
No bubbles like real estate, no scams like cryptocurrencies, no risks arising from the global economy like bank based investment funds. You are investing in labor/labor value. The real money maker.
Disproportionate relationship between the amount invested and the profit.
You will not receive a profit based on percentages, nor based on the world economy. The profit is in direct relation to the number of users we can reach. Some of our forecasts indicate that it can be more than 10 times the amount invested.
Small amount and distributed over time.
It is not necessary to put all the money at the beginning, but in seven parts. You can check our progress.

Koldo in numbers


Available Investment Units. No more.

*of 1000 USD each


Development months

Soon you will get the return of your investment


Ultra-pessimistic expected annual profit

50% is for our investors, like you


Years getting profit after the recovery of your investment

And up to 40% of the company’s shares available to big investors


Available Investment Units. No more.

*of 1000 USD each


Development months

Soon you will get the return of your investment


Ultra-pessimistic expected annual profit

50% is for our investors, like you


Years getting profit after the recovery of your investment

And up to 40% of the company’s shares available to big investors

Choose your own reasons for participating and investing in the creation of Koldo

(and there are more than a million more)

I am an investor. I love money.
I have a salary, but I love money.
I want some extra money for my retirement.
I am an investor. I love money.
I have a salary, but I love money.
I want some extra money for my retirement.
I am an entrepreneur. I need that product for myself.
I would like to have my business but I don’t know how to organize all the information.
I am tired of spending my money on multiple management tools.
I am an entrepreneur. I need that product for myself.
I would like to have my business but I don’t know how to organize all the information.
I am tired of spending my money on multiple management tools.
I have several websites and I’m tired of logging into so many different sites to update them.
I have new business ideas every week, but I don’t have a tool that allows me to implement them.
I am sick and tired of seeing advertisements everywhere every day.
I have several websites and I’m tired of logging into so many different sites to update them.
I have new business ideas every week, but I don’t have a tool that allows me to implement them.
I am sick and tired of seeing advertisements everywhere every day.
I would like to activate competition among my suppliers and force them to give me the best price.
I need to manage all my financial information and accounting easily.
I need to connect my online store with my physical stores.
I would like to activate competition among my suppliers and force them to give me the best price.
I need to manage all my financial information and accounting easily.
I need to connect my online store with my physical stores.
I’m sick of Google, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon and all those guys.
I’m tired of paying for every single thing I want to do in WordPress and the incompatibilities between their plugins.
I just want to be a millionaire and I don’t know how to do it.

I’m sick of Google, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon and all those guys.
I’m tired of paying for every single thing I want to do in WordPress and the incompatibilities between their plugins.
I just want to be a millionaire and I don’t know how to do it.
I do not trust banks.
I strongly believe in capitalism.
I want to collaborate in the improvement of my community.
I do not trust banks.
I strongly believe in capitalism.
I want to collaborate in the improvement of my community.
I love innovation and fresh new ideas.
I don’t want to risk my money.
I want to participate in the birth of such a monstrous system.
I love innovation and fresh new ideas.
I don’t want to risk my money.
I want to participate in the birth of such a monstrous system.

Some visual information

Why Koldo

Why invest in Koldó. Explained by our General Director.

How Koldo

How to invest in Koldo and how it makes money.

What Koldo

What Koldo is and what he will do for you.

Why Koldo

Why invest in Koldó. Explained by our General Director.

How Koldo

How to invest in Koldo and how it makes money.

What Koldo

What Koldo is and what it will do for you.

Presentations, diagrams, tables, documents… and contracts.

We want to offer you here all the detailed information you may need to study the project and participate as an investor.

If you are interested, hurry up and send us the contract to reserve your units. Once all the available units are subscribed, we will start working on the project and we will not admit any more investors. And there will be no second round of financing.

Executive summary

Short document describing the project

Financial charts

Check the figures and the actual money production capacities of the Koldo system.

Pitch deck

Presentation for investors with the key points of the Koldo project, for a quick review of the viability of this system as an investment. Typical “Pitch Deck” format.

Cash -flow model

Evolution of the project’s expenses, income and results in a 100-month projection.

And if all this is of interest to you, as we hope it will be, please download the investment agreement, fill it in, sign it, scan it and send it to us

Investment Agreement

The contract to reserve your investment and participate in Koldó. This is the one you want! All the conditions are very clear. Nothing to hide from us, and no surprises.

We will contact you as soon as possible and return the contract with our signature and your investment certificate. Welcome to the investor team!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is not necessary to send money in advance. The first of the seven payments will only be claimed when all available units have been allocated and we will really start working.

5 years is not enough? Do you want to earn passive income forever?

Yes, it is possible. If you want shares of Koldo’s management consortium, and be a permanent shareholder, up to 40% of the shares are available for:

  • Those who keep the investment units not one by one, but in packages.
  • Those bringing investors who subscribe to a package of investment units.

The Koldo consortium will be created as a private shares company with 2,000 unique shares.

40% of these shares will be available to investors and to those who bring them, for a total of 800 shares.

Therefore, the following possibilities are open:

Investment units available per packageShares of each packageActions given to commercials
Pack of 100 units (3 packs still available)160 shares (8% of the company)60 shares (3.75% of the company)
Pack of 50 units (5 packs still available)80 shares (4% of the company)30 shares (1.5% of the company)
Pack of 25 units (12 packs still available)40 shares (2% of the company)15 shares (0.75% of the company)
Pack of 10 units (32 packs still available)15 shares (0.75% of the company)5 shares (0.25% of the company)
Investment units available per packageShares of each packageActions given to commercials
Pack of 100 units
(3 packs still available)
(8% of the company)
(3.75% of the company)
Pack of 50 units
(5 packs still available)
(4% of the company)
(1.5% of the company)
Pack of 25 units
(12 packs still available)
(2% of the company)
(0.75% of the company)
Pack of 10 units
(32 packs still available)
(0.75% of the company)
(0.25% of the company)
Investment units available per packageShares of each packageActions given to commercials
Pack of 100 units (3 packs still available)160 shares (8% of the company)60 shares (3.75% of the company)
Pack of 50 units (5 packs still available)80 shares (4% of the company)30 shares (1.5% of the company)
Pack of 25 units (12 packs still available)40 shares (2% of the company)15 shares (0.75% of the company)
Pack of 10 units (32 packs still available)15 shares (0.75% of the company)5 shares (0.25% of the company)

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about this option.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will not be repeated, join our revolution!

If some of your acquaintances invest and you don’t, you’re sure to pull your hair out later. Think about it. Time is running out.

There are no crypto-things here. This is real economy. Small and medium-sized companies drive 80% of the world economy and the real market.

Contact us

We will be happy to answer any of your questions.

    This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will not be repeated, join our revolution!

    If some of your acquaintances invest and you don’t, you’re sure to pull your hair out later. Think about it. Time is running out.

    There are no crypto-things here. This is real economy. Small and medium-sized companies drive 80% of the world economy and the real market.

    Contact us

    We will be happy to answer any of your questions.